A few weeks ago I danced on a shoot for Isla Campbell’s upcoming look book. Here are some choice movement shots:
Crystal Maze West End Live Opening!
This month the The Crystal Maze’s West End venue opened! I’ll be performing there as a ‘Maze Master’ on select dates.
Tickets: https://the-crystal-maze.com/london-westend/the-experience/
Costume Design by me! Wig Design by Faridagh Wedar!
Dancing Dabettes!
On select dates I have been performing at ‘Dabbers Bingo’. Here are some more recent pics of The People Pile’s ‘Dabettes’ in action!
(Costumes by the talented Lauren Bridle and wigs by Faridagh Wedar)
You can book to catch them here: https://dabbers.bingo/
The Lost Lagoon Promo Video
Bompas and Parr have just released their latest promotional video for their immersive adventure ‘The Lost Lagoon’
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Arz3pDL9cA&t=5s
I’ll be playing both the Spice Merchant and Tiki Witch up until Sunday 7th April!
The show also features on Emma Lawton’s blog: https://www.thef---itlist.com/blog/lost-lagoon
Swell Mob... From Edinburgh to London and Adelaide!
Our 5* immersive show ‘The Swell Mob’ will be sitting both London’s Co-Lab and Adelaide’s Cabaret Festival this summer! You can book tickets to see the new cast performing here: www.theswellmob.com
”The Swell Mob is an immersive theatrical experience inviting you to take part in a Victorian bacchanalia”
Additional info: https://www.culturewhisper.com/r/theatre/the_swell_mob_immersive_theatre/13395?fbclid=IwAR2obKCC-SqPYFf_WYASizCmnE4Q-F4WKYbUsSag2f8CC2Q90JmuKeLvxfY
Don’t miss it, I know I won’t!
1814 Frost Fair
This week i’ve been performing and modelling for fine art photographer Julia Fullerton-Batten’s Thames Project. The most recent edition being ‘1814 Frost Fair’
BBC filmed a BTS feature which can be viewed here:
BTS photos by Sabrina Dallot-Seguro
Finished footage coming soon to a screen near you!
The Lost Love Speakeasy
I’m currently busy working as casting director on Lost Estate/Arenksy Chamber Orchestra’s upcoming immersive production ‘The Lost Love Speakeasy’.
As well as casting the show, I will also be designing hair, make-up and costumes.
Details: http://lostlovespeakeasy.thelostestate.com/
Crystal Maze
I’ll be joining the cast of the ‘Crystal Maze: Live Experience’ West End from April.
More details to follow!
'A Life Less Ordinary'
Here are a selection of stills from a recent photo series with James Copeman of https://www.loveandhate.co.uk/
More colours coming soon!
Lost Lagoon
I will soon be performing in Bompas and Parr’s immersive adventure ‘The Lost Lagoon’ directed by Les Enfant Terribles associate Joe Hufton.
Running from Feb 1st - April 7th
Last week photographer Anthony Lycett invited me to take part in his ‘Self.Styled’ project - a celebration on individuality and style amongst London’s creative/artistic community. Here are the results! HMU and styling be me.
More info about the project can be found here: http://www.anthonylycett.com/photography
Upcoming Photographic Series
I’m currently collaborating with photographer and director James Copeman on and upcoming series of painted women. Here are some behind the scenes polaroids where you can see the styling, HMU and art direction by me. More coming soon!
Brunch Club
Here are a few newly released photo’s of The People Pile’s Kirsty Green and I in action at ‘Dabber’s Brunch Club!’
Catch The People Pile’s dancing dabettes every week thurs-sun!
TGCF Costume Photos
Here are a few snaps of the costumes I made and designed in collaboration with Vivien Wilson for Arensky Chamber Orchestra/Lost Estate’s ‘The Great Christmas Feast’ (credit for set design and props goes to Darling and Edge)
Nutcracker and the Four Realms
This Christmas I’ve been working on the costumes for ‘Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ by Bompas and Parr!
Running until December 31st!
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/westfield-london-hosts-spectacular-the-four-realms-at-christmas-by-bompas-and-parr-tickets-53647862200
Dabbers Bingo
This week I’ve been performing again with interactive dance company, The People Pile. This time for their Brunch Club!
I’ll be there again from January!
Prangsta Costumiers
Earlier this week I performed a venetian walkabout act for the folks over at Prangsta Costumiers! Photos below:
The Great Christmas Feast
I’ve recently designed and made the costumes for Lost Estate/Arenksy Chamber Orchestra’s new immersive show, ‘The Great Christmas Feast’
Event details: https://thenudge.com/london-things-to-do/the-great-christmas-feast-2018/?fbclid=IwAR2dp0Wy0Ao0Zlf5I6tgjq9005LXk18B4GSWgl-3JbTX8SyxWjE8bF74x8Q
Photo’s to follow!
The People Pile!
This weekend I had the pleasure of performing an interactive disco dancing act with The People Pile at Dabbers Bingo!
Dabbers: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/nov/30/bingo-for-hipsters-the-modern-revival-of-a-great-british-pastime
The People Pile: https://en-gb.facebook.com/thepeoplepile/
Immersive Theatre in Luxos Magazine
This week I appeared in Darling and Edge’s immersive theatre feature in Luxos Magazine:
Full article can be read: https://www.luxos.com/london/things-to-do/9034-ball-gowns-and-banquets?fbclid=IwAR1tFTmUVhVCWn3kGkk_MiLo5y6X48fKduLCi9IxVbG0s99APZ5fi21QqY0