LCF Immersive Pop Up

I will be performing in an immersive pop up curated by LCF to celebrate the #YearofTheWoman. We'll be cropping up in various locations around London looking extravagantly Suffragette-esque!

Look out for us.


Somnai recommended by ELLE UK

Somnai has cropped up on ELLE UK's Easter recommendations, along with Secret Cinema's Blade Runner. 

Check out the article here:

It has also been recommended by Secret London:


Somnai Reviews

With press night behind us, the reviews are starting to trickle in for Somnai!

5* from Culture Whisperer:

And some lovely write up's from Its Nice That and The Guardian:


Running until May 6th!

Tower Bridge Shoot

This time last year fine art photographer Julia Fullerton Batten photographed me as part of her Thames photo series. Portraits will be exhibited at Somerset House in the Autumn.


Frances Farmer: Zombie Movie Star

This past weekend I performed in Holly Casey's 'Frances Farmer: Zombie Movie Star', an interactive one woman show developed specifically for the Cavern at Vaults Festival.

Up and coming theatre photographer Ali Wright came along and snapped a few pics! See below:

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Francis Zombie - Ali Wright-4.jpg
Here's a glimpse of the set, pre show, caught by the talented Al Overdrive! pc:

Here's a glimpse of the set, pre show, caught by the talented Al Overdrive! pc:

RCA Work in Progress

This week you can catch a work in progress of Em Cole's 'Inside the Box' at Royal College of Art.

Fri: 12-8
Sat: 12-8
Sun: 12-6

It's lovely and playful with a bit of VR thrown in!

Snippet below: 

Rah Petherbridge Photoshoot

We were lucky enough to have the talented Rah Petherbridge ( come in and take some character portraits for Darling and Edge's Beauty and the Feast earlier this year. Results below!

©Rah Petherbridge Photography -  Sanderson-5.jpg
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I'm delighted to announce that i'll be appearing in new immersive experience 'Somnai' (which is pioneered by Punchdrunk's Connie Harrison and Emily Mytton) from March 1st. Huffpost has quoted it as being "one of the most anticipated events of 2018." 


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Come and SLEEP with us.

Vogue Italia Editorial

I'll be modelling and dancing for an online editorial for Vogue Italia later this week! Photographer:

More details to be released later! 

London International Mime Festival

I'll be performing as part of the ensemble in Toneelhuis/FC Bergman's '300 el x 50 el x 30 el' at The Barbican Theatre next week as part of London's International Mime Festival. 31st Jan - 3rd Feb.


It's a beautiful union of film and dance. Make sure you check it out!

Paines Plough

New Writing company Paines Plough have just announced their upcoming season! I had the pleasure to work with them on their visual imagery for BAFTA nominee Vinay Patel's 'Stick and Stones'

VAULT Festival

I'll be appearing in and co-directing Holly Casey's 'Frances Farmer: Zombie Movie Star' at the Vault Festival this spring. It's a wonderful, undead, campy romp! 17th-18th Feb. Tickets available here:

Don't miss it!

Don't miss it!

Inside the Box

This weekend I've been working with film maker Em Cole (Sloppy Seconds, Royal College of Art) and DOP Robin Lyons on an upcoming documentary short 'Inside the Box'. It features a bold surrealist aesthetic and body/face mapping. It will feature as part of a public art project and gallery exhibition early next year... more details to follow!


SYC Sketch Show

In a few weeks time Soho Young Company will be presenting a sketch show as part of our Comedy Lab! 

Sat 9th Dec


Smith and Sinclair XMAS shoot

Recently I worked with Smith and Sinclair on their christmas shoot for ... and the photos have just been released! 

Model: Christian Adofo Photographer: Tania Dolvers Stylist: Kitty Coles HMUA: Molly McCormick

Model: Christian Adofo
Photographer: Tania Dolvers
Stylist: Kitty Coles
HMUA: Molly McCormick

Cosmic Love

Here are a few shots from performing at Belarus Free Theatre's immersive Cosmic Love party this summer! 

Photographer: Morgane Lay

Photographer: Morgane Lay