Imagination & Engagement

Definite food for thought! Great day working with the Punchdrunk Enrichment team, discussing the place for immersive theatre in schools and communities both practically and verbally. We worked on the place of virtual technology within this art form, reactions to space and how to create an interactive piece from an object alone. 

I'll be working with the Punchdrunk team again in the new year in their Performance Practice workshops for performers and dancers, i'll post details and reactions here post workshop!


Sizzle Shack

This week I had the chance to work with Ivory productions on a new commercial ad for Hellman's, will post the footage when the edit is finished!

Here's the link to the ad (i'm the one waitressing)


In a collab. with M, Lyst used augmented reality technology to project clothing onto Human Mannequins for London Fashion Week.. and I was one of them! Here's a press photo from the event:

Monkeying Around

When i'm not busy opera-ing with Gingerline, I'm working part-time for Bompas & Parr/Les Enfant Terribles as a monkey waiter on their new show, The Twits. It really is wonderful, catch it if you can (running until oct. 30th)

Here's a short vid of me performing there:

Aussie Hair

Over the past few weeks i've been working with Reuban Feels to create an immersive festival experience for Aussie Hair! Everything from early morning shower dancing to afternoon game shows. 

Check out a snippet of it here:


This week I had the chance to work with both dir. Emily Cole ( and Bompas and Parr ( for an excitingly sticky new video project.. More details to follow!

Dirty Dancing

You can find me in the Catskils, NY at Kellermans summer camp from the 13th-24th of July! 


Lulu R&D

Today marks the end of Ugly Collective's Residency with Theatre Deli. We've been developing our piece Lulu: A Circus Sex Tragedy (which I am directing). We presented a short scratch of what we'd discovered for the deli team, received some great and thought provoking feedback - it's safe to say that we are all very excited to continue our work with them. Here are a few shots from our devising process (featuring our lovely Jazz singer Gabrielle Shephard, alongside devisers Rory Keys, Andrea Veneziani and Dimitris Chimonas)

More details to follow!


Microsoft Lumia

This week I shot a viral ad for Microsoft Lumia's new product with dir. Ryan Prout (thanks to my lovely agents at Idamos). My 10% battery face should be revealed to the world very soon!


I've been busy hiding underground preparing for Gingerline's newest clandestine dining adventure! If you're a lover of all things secret, immersive and foodie - check it out!

A few tickets are still available:

Burlesque Choreography

International theatre director Lindsey Higgins (Seoul Shakespeare Company, South Korea) has asked me to choreograph a burlesque dance for the character of 'Froggy' in her upcoming show Blackbird, which will debut at The Drayton Arms 'Three Branch Festival' in early March. The Three Branch Festival is a place where female directors can highlight their work. Their aim is to create a platform in which they can explore their ideas and display them at a fantastic fringe venue! 

"Blackbird is centered on the deteriorating relationship of two junkie lovers, Adam Rapp's Blackbird is a less than beguiling look at New York City's lower depths mixing drugs, degradation, and defecation."

Tickets available at:

More about Lindsey here:

Suitable for ages 18+
14, 17, 25, 26, 30, 31 March

Virtually Dead

I'm currently working on  5* show Virtually Dead by Bearded Kitten (to be held in a secret London location before transferring to Paris). This is the first time that any company have been able to combine both immersive theatre and virtual reality, and we'll be the first people working with HTC's new vive goggles!

You can find me there from mid march to early april.

The entire run is sold out, but there is a waiting list which you can sign up to here:

Fashion Film Release

Feng Chen Wang's Fashion Film is finally being distributed online! It'll be appearing on Vogue, Elle and Buzzfeed (amongst others).

You can have a sneaky peek here:

Motion Capture

I've been busy doing some motion capture filming this week for Norwich University of Arts, including body mapping and face scanning. To give you a clearer idea of what I mean, here's a shot from the test shoot...

Christopher Speed's B.A.R.D.O will be released in early May. I'll make sure to post the finished product on my 'news' feed as soon as I get my hands on it.

Christopher Speed's B.A.R.D.O will be released in early May. I'll make sure to post the finished product on my 'news' feed as soon as I get my hands on it.

Physical Theatre Residency

I have just confirmed a place on Gecko's intensive mini residency for this April... I have the privilege of working with the wonderful Anna Finkel (Punchdrunk) & Georgina Roberts (Trestle Theatre). They also both appeared in Gecko's The Time of Your Life of BBC4, as well as Missing!

More details to come!

Company info: